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We are the King Family


Salvation and Baptism

          My name is Chris King and I was raised in a Catholic home. The Bible was not opened a single time during the duration of my upbringing. When I was fourteen years of age I was hospitalized and nearly died of pneumonia. This profoundly impacted my understanding that life is frail and that I was going to die someday. After leaving the home at the age of eighteen, I continued to try to fill the God-shaped void in my heart with a number of different things. However, in the summer of 2003, I accepted an invitation from a young lady to attend a little Baptist church in the town where I was living. She didn’t know this, but while she had been witnessing to me, I had a co-worker who had been sharing the gospel with me as well. This caused me to stop and seriously consider what I was being told. It was on July 10th, 2003 while at work that the Holy Spirit of God convinced me that I had made a mess of my life and that I needed to stop living for myself and start living for Him. I knew that I was a sinner and that my life was a wreck. That morning I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. It was shortly thereafter that I went forward after a Sunday morning service and spoke to the pastor about my need to be baptized. I was later baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost under the authority of our local church. I immediately joined that little Baptist church and began serving the Lord there in any way that I could. A year later, I married that young lady who had led me to Christ.

God’s call to preach

          The Lord had been dealing with me for several months about yielding my life for greater service.  After a season of much prayer and counsel from my Pastor, on April 12th, 2005, while at work, I surrendered to God’s call on my life to be a preacher.  When I went to Church the following Sunday morning, I was overwhelmed with concern. Was this my idea, or was it God’s idea? If this was my idea, it wouldn’t work and would ultimately bring shame to his name.  As I wrestled with these types of thoughts, the Spirit of God asked me, “Do you love me?" After I told Him, "Yes." He replied, “Then feed my sheep.” I knew at that moment that this was not my idea, but instead that it was his.  I went forward during the invitation at the close of the service and told my Pastor that I believed that God had called me to preach and that I had surrendered to His call.


Why Missions?

          I have had a soft spot in my heart for missions as long as I can remember, but the Lord began specifically working in my heart after I took a trip to Guatemala in April of 2016.  I was blessed to be able to take several other short term missions trips including a trip to Brazil in August of 2016, Honduras in March of 2017, Mexico in June 2018, and twice to Mexico in 2019.


Why Spanish Missions?

          In October of 2014, Brother Allen Johnson preached our Missions Conference, and he asked if there was anyone in the area that spoke Spanish.  Since we live about 30 miles from the Canadian border, we don’t have that many Spanish speaking people in the area. However, one of them happened to live on my street. I went with Brother Johnson and listened intently while he spoke with the man about his need for the Lord. After that, the Lord began to prick at my heart asking me why I don’t learn Spanish.  After all, who is going to reach this person if you do not? I asked my wife what she thought and she agreed that it would be a good idea for me to learn Spanish. So, I began learning Spanish around January of 2015.  


Why Mexico?

          After the trip to Mexico in June of 2018, the Lord began dealing with me.  When we were down there, Brother Lacy Wheeler gave us an open door, an open invitation to come down there and serve there in Mexico.  When I came back, I approached my Pastor about the possibility of doing that. We prayed and fasted and agreed that it wasn’t the right time yet.  Eight months later I felt like the Lord was brooding my nest again. The Lord used 1 Samuel 3:21 to communicate to me that He would use scripture to confirm His calling on my life to Missions.  It was on March 27th, 2019 that I believe that the Lord clearly communicated to me and confirmed his call on my life to be a missionary to Mexico, and he used the verse 1 Thess. 5:24 “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.”


Writing this has caused me to look back and reflect on where the Lord has brought me.  I am very encouraged to see how he has so skillfully and carefully guided and directed me over the years.  It also causes me to be equally excited to see what the Lord will do in the years to come. I can see the Lord’s fingerprints all over this.



          When I was about four years old our pastor, Jim Holder, preached a message on hell. This message caused a great deal of fear in my heart that if I died, that is where I would go for eternity. My mom had baked rolls and bread that Monday morning, and as usual she spread butter on the top while it was still hot out of the oven. My mom gave me one of the rolls, still hot out of the oven, and it burned my hand. I began to cry, and when my mom asked me why, I just blurted out that I didn’t want to go to hell. The burn from the butter had given me a visual of what hell would be like, only all over my body and for eternity. My mom lead me over to our couch where she showed me from the Bible how I could be forgiven of my sins, and saved from an eternity in hell. I don’t remember the verses that she used, but knowing my mom, she probably took me through the Romans road. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” And I’m sure she ended with Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” I don’t remember what I said that day. But I knew I was a sinner, I knew I deserved hell for my sin, and I knew Jesus could and would save me if I asked him to. That day I prayed and asked him to forgive my sins, and take me to heaven when I die.

           Having been saved as a small child I did have some struggles however. Did I know what I was doing? Did I really mean it? Did I understand everything? The Lord has been so gracious to show me through His word, by His Spirit, and from the power of preaching, that if I called on the Lord Jesus, believing he would save me, he did. I am trusting in Christ, and him alone for salvation. I can trust and believe that when he said: “for whosoever” that includes little girls. A verse the Lord has used to help me with the assurance of salvation is Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold fast to the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)” That is a sweet promise I hold onto.

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